CWC-3000 Electric Coin Counter

SKU: CWC-3000
Main Features:
- Counting
- Separating
- Counting Speed: 2000-2500
- Hopper Capacity: 1500-2500w/medium hopper
- Coin Size: 1.0mm-3.4mm x 14.0mm-34mm
- Display: 5 digits
- Batch Display: 4 digits
- Communication Port
- Port for External Remote Display Unit.
- Lid Closes to keep dust out and for easy transportation.
- Wrapping tubes included for quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
- Counts dollar coins, $0.50, $0.25, $0.10, $0.05, $0.01
- Bags included and tubes included
- Detailed instructions Great unit for counting quarter sized tokens
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